Datathon Learning and Teamwork Questionnaire Q1 Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with this event?Extremely satisfied (1)Somewhat satisfied (2)Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3)Somewhat dissatisfied (4)Extremely dissatisfied (5)Q2 How well did this event meet your expectations?Extremely well (1)Very well (2)Moderately well (3)Slightly well (4)Not well at all (5)Q2 Other (please explain) (6)Q3 How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?10987654321Q4 How likely are you to continue working on your Datathon project after this event?7654321Q5 How much did you learn from this event?7654321Q6 What were 2-3 valuable things you learned (if anything)? (Please state below)Q7 What did you like most about this event? (Please state below)Q8 How could this event be improved? (Please state below)Q9 What is your primary professional background?Healthcare (1)Engineering (2)Computer sciences (3)Business (4)Statistics (5)Q9 Other (6) Q10 In what frequency do you use teamwork as a manner to deal with daily problems?Many times/day (1)1-2 times/day (2)2-3 times/week (3)Once a week (4)Rarely (5)Never use (6)Q11 How would you rate your Datathon learning experience?7654321Q12 In responding to the previous question, how do you rate the importance of teamwork?7654321Q13 How do you rate the process simulated in the Datathon?7654321Q14 How do you rate the content and subject matter of the Datathon?7654321Q15 How do you rate the Datathon instructors?7654321Q16 In 'real' life, what is the likelihood that you will adopt some or all of the methods employed during the Datathon?7654321Q17 Your likelihood of actually enrolling in another Datathon if your schedule so permits?7654321Q18 Overall, how effectively did your team work together during the Datathon?7654321Q19 For the following questions please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement:Q20 Effective leadership. The team manager was committed and was able to develop a team approach and management within the team was seen as a shared function.7654321Q21 Suitable Membership. Members were capable of contributing a “mix” of skills that provided for an appropriate balance of skills within the team.7654321Q22 Team commitment. Members were individually committed to the aims of the team, were willing to devote personal energy to building the team, and supported other team members.7654321Q23 Team climate. People felt relaxed, able to be direct and open, and prepared to take risks.7654321Q24 Team achievement. Team objectives were clear and felt to be worthwhile, targets for performance were felt to be stretching but achievable, energy was devoted to the achievement of the results, and team performance was reviewed frequently.7654321Q25 Work methods. The team developed lively, systematic, and effective ways to solve problems together.7654321Q26 Critiquing. Errors and weaknesses were examined without personal attack to enable the group to learn from the experience.7654321Q28 Creativity Capacity. New ideas were created through member interaction, innovative risk taking was rewarded, and the team supported new ideas from individual members or from outside.7654321Q27 Individual development. Member development is sought and the team can cope with strong individual contributions.7654321Q29 What is your team name (please state)?Q30-1 How do you rate your knowledge of: Programming language?7654321Q30-2 How do you rate your knowledge of: Other disciplines in your team?7654321Q30-3 How do you rate your knowledge of: Design thinking?7654321Q30-4 How do you rate your knowledge of: Prototyping a solution?7654321Q30-4 How do you rate your knowledge of: Software development?7654321Q30-5 How do you rate your knowledge of: Data management?7654321Email